Getting To Know How Cremation Works

The funeral ceremony is one of the oldest activities of human culture. The first traces of funeral ceremonies date back to 300.000 BC, and based on the remains found, paleontologists have concluded that in ancient history, the dead were covered with flowers, which is interpreted as proof of belief in the afterlife.

Have you ever wondered what will happen to you when you die? Although we do not yet have an answer about what happens to the soul, the fate of the body is quite familiar to us. Today, more and more people are opting for cremation instead of the classic burial.

What it looks like and what happens to the body during cremation was explained by experts from cremation services calimes ca.

After the funeral of the deceased, the crematorium has a period of 72 hours to burn the body, but it is most often done within the first 24 hours.

The first thing to do is to check if there is something left in the coffin that should not be there, and the most important thing is to confirm that the deceased did not have a pacemaker installed. Namely, during the burning of the body, the pacemaker can explode and lift a furnace weighing about twenty tons as much as 7 inches into the air.

After the examination, the body is brought into the furnace, and the cremation is done with gas. The temperature in the furnace during combustion reaches between 1472F and 1832F. It is such a temperature that the oven turned on Friday night to Monday morning will cool to just 572 degrees.

If only a certain part of the body is sent for cremation (for example after amputation), it will be burned individually and not with other people’s organs.

The burning of the body takes 90 minutes, and the staff checks through a special peephole to see if it is over. It is over when there is no more visible flame.

The ashes, which weigh about as much as a person when they are just born, are collected with a rake and then sifted through a sieve to separate metal parts such as wedding rings or artificial hips.

After that, the family of the deceased decides whether to pour the ashes into the crematorium or to pick it up and store it differently. Some part of the ashes of a loved one is used to make tattoos or stored in a piece of jewelry. For more information on this subject, contact the cremation services calimesa ca and you will get all that you need.