Workers’ Compensation: Occupational Injury Cases

Common Injuries in Workers Compensation Cases by Mel Vatz

Workers’ compensation is made available for those who’ve been injured in the workplace and are eligible to receive benefits. There are several occupational injury cases that California’s Orange County allows for cover. Occupational injury relates to workers who have been caused physical harm due to an accident or incidence that occurred while at work. Here are the different occupational injury cases where you could be entitled to compensation.

1) Injured Occurring at Construction Sites

Crane injuries are a fairly common occurrence happening in California. These are often due to slips and falls, overturns, contact made with power lines, and mechanical issues. When inspections aren’t carried out as required or proper maintenance procedures aren’t followed at construction sites, risks increase.

2) Back Injuries

Back injuries are one of the main reasons workers file for workers’ compensation. It could be caused as a result of a one-time incident or strain that happens over time. Either way, it can interfere with your ability to carry out your work responsibilities as normal. It’s one of the main reasons for time spent off work for employees in the U.S.

3) Injuries Due to a Slip and Fall

Slips and falls are actually one of the main reasons for death at work. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that more than one million people in the U.S. slip or fall at work, with more than 17,000 dying, as a result, every year. 15% of injuries on the job are due to this very cause.

4) Neck Injuries

Most states require that you meet both of the following for you to be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits:

  • You have to be employed
  • You’ve had a neck injury while at work

There are many reasons why neck injury might occur. The main ones include whiplash, degenerated discs, herniated discs, osteoarthritis, and strains.

5) Trauma

Trauma happens when a reaction occurs as a result of a situation leading to damage to psychological damage or impaired brain function. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be related to injuries at work and is often characterized by the following:

  • Sleep issues
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Headaches
  • Stomach pains or digestive problems
  • Removal of oneself from social situations

Worker’s Compensation Attorneys in California for You

California Work Injury Law Center operates within California and helps those who are suffering due to occupational injury. Find out more by checking out the website … Read the rest